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Originally developed by Siemens, PROFINET is the Ethernet-based fieldbus protocol which integrates well with the earlier PROFIBUS-DP protocol. PROFINET is maintained by PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI) which is based in Germany.

PROFINET is currently the most popular Ethernet fieldbus in Europe. It is primarily utilized by Siemens, but PROFINET controllers and devices are available from several manufacturers.

PROFINET has three distinct manifestations: PROIFINET I/O and PROFINET CBA, which utilize standard Ethernet hardware, and PROFINET IRT, which requires special hardware. PROFINET CBA is primarily used for non-real-time systems, whereas PROFINET I/O is used for "soft" real-time plants. PROFINET IRT (Isochronous Real Time) used where tight, "hard" real-time deadlines are required, such as in an interpolated multi-axis motion application.

PI maintains a mandatory certification system for all PROFINET devices to insure conformance and interoperability. All PROFINET devices must supply a device description file, called a General Station Description (GSD) file. This file describes the device in a defined format, which allows it to be read by both the human, and the PROFINET controller.

What Can AB Tech Solution Do for Your PROFINET Product Development?
  • Obtain manufacturer and product identifiers from PI
  • Develop a fully-compliant product for you
  • Add PROFINET capability to your existing product
  • Enhance the features and functionality of your product
  • Develop the required GSD (device description) files
  • Perform interoperability testing
  • Obtain PI compliance certification for your products